/ Content / "RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT" program 2020


Postponed due to the state of emergency in the country, the Branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia and ACBA Federation jointly resumes the "RURAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT" program in 2020. It is aimed at promoting the development of tourism in rural communities, giving new opportunities to locals to create or develop their ideas in that field.

Rural tourism is developing rapidly nowadays, more and more tourists prefer to enjoy their rest in rural areas. Armenia, in its turn, stands out with its unique environment, monuments and rural color. Rural tourism has a huge potential to be one of the leading sectors of tourism services in Armenia.

This year the following events will be implemented within the framework of the "Rural Tourism Development" program:

1 ․ Construction of eco-trail

2 ․ Grant competitions

Farmer's life
Newly built guest house
Operating guest house

3 ․ Beneficiary Consulting: Marketing Campaign