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Start yourself

It is often said: One man is no man. This does not refer to environmental issues. Here each of us can contribute to the preservation of the environment. Many people live without thinking about how things are regulated in nature, some people have heard or sometimes speak about environmental issues but do not initiate anything. It is not necessary to become a volunteer to and go to further countries to save the planet. Each of us can do a lot to protect the environment, without leaving our own home, city or country.

During the campaign:

  • Installation of garbage bins for waste (paper and plastic) in various organizations, structures and especially in educational institutions;
  • Environmental Training in schools about the waste Management Issues in the world and in Armenia.
  • The coompetition, titled "The Best Eco-Bag" in the schools. During the contest awarding the authors of the best hand made mutiple re-usable shopping bags.

The campaign is in collaboration with the «Recycle it!» program of NGO ISSD (Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development of Communities) .

Within the scope of the campaign, schools are provided with manuals about waste management - "Reduce, reuse and recycle!" provided by our partner "Deutsche Zusammenarbeit" (GIZ Armenia).