Open Lesson "Ecotourism"This time, in the frame of the Eco club, we will host a course on "Ecotourism." Key points of the course:
Clean-up workHaving received the necessary materials within the framework of the "Clean Future" program, the NGO "Tatev Youth Community" together with the adjacent volunteer group on November 4 carried out... more |
Informational MeetingVoting for Bird of the Year 2024 has begun, which means it's time to familiarize yourself with:
Open Lesson "Research and Conservation of Wetlands in the Araks Valley"The topic of the next ecoclub course is "Research and conservation of wetlands in the Araks valley". The training will take place
Summing up the Results of the Painting ContestToday, the summing up and awarding ceremony of the painting contest "Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle" organized by the branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of... more |
Bird of the Year 2024: VotingThe 2nd stage of voting for the bird of 2024 has started.
Blumberger Mühle Visit Center and Natur-Erfahrungs-Stätte Ecoеducation BaseThe next visit of the "Clean Future" programme team was to the Blumberger Mühle visit center and the ecoeducation base Natur-Erfahrungs-Stätte. The centres belong to the German Nature... more |
Open Lesson "Organic Agruculture"This week's open lesson topic is Organic Agriculture. The key points of the topic discussed are:
Getting to Know the Visit Centers of the Harz National ParkThis time, the Clean Futures team was welcomed in two visitor centres of the Harz National Park. One of the centres belongs to the German Nature Protection Union (NABU). During the... more |
Visit to the Nettetal Ecological FarmThis time, the Clean Futures programme team visited the Nettetal organic farm of the Mass-Schwalm Nette Nature Park.