Continuing the "Human-Wildlife Conflict Prevention" program, this time we visited the villages in the territory of Dilijan National Park.
As the national park is not only rich in biodiversity, but also includes Red Book species that are under special protection, the villages of this region are of more interest from the point of view of the study of the conflict between the locals and "wild species".
It is important to understand the problems of humans and wildlife, the causes of their occurrence, and how we can prevent them without harming either nature or humans.
Unfortunately, there are many problems, and people often suffer mostly from wolf attacks, which can cause a lot of financial, and other damage.
They, in turn, affect people's attitudes towards wildlife, endangering peace on both sides.
The problem exists not only in the territory of the national park, but also in the whole northern part of Armenia, in Tavush, Lori and Shirak regions.