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Ջրաճահճային տարածքների ուսումնասիրություն և պահպանություն Արաքսի հովտում

Eco education

Let’s celebrate together the World Migratory Bird Day!!!

Tomorrow, 11 of May, is the World Migratory Bird Day. The aim of the day is to raise public awareness about migratory birds and threats among their migration routes. This day,... more

“Eagles of Armenia” - new Eco-educational campaign will be launched

Attention, attention!!!

We are happy to announce, that from May 1 “Eagles of Armenia” eco-educational campaign will start. It is a part of the “Birds... more

"Vulture Awareness Month" in Armenia

Dear followers of NABU! September 1st International Knowledge Day and we extend our congratulations; however, as you may know, today is also the International Day of... more


In the modern world, the need for environmental education of the society increases along the consistent growth of the influence that the society has on the environment. People... more