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Completion of the expedition: Wintering of birds of prey in Eastern Saudi Arabia

Completion of the expedition: Wintering of birds of prey in Eastern Saudi Arabia

The third and final stage of the NABU expedition was devoted to exploring the eastern regions of Saudi Arabia, where important wintering grounds and migration sites for birds of prey are located. For example, the flat desert territories between Jeddah and Medina are key points for the wintering population of steppe eagles and other species.

During our work, we observed more than 600 steppe eagles, which confirms the importance of the region for these predators. There are about 1,500 birds present at the same time in some previously known steppe eagle congregations, and we have registered only about 100. Registered birds of prey tend to concentrate near landfills, where locals often dispose of the bodies of fallen domestic animals – camels, horses, goats and others. In some places where accumulations were previously recorded, it was noticed that the landfill was covered with earth. However, despite this, birds still continue to visit these places, albeit in smaller numbers.

Currently, intensive development of territories and the development of a network of highways and high-voltage electrical lines, as well as the development of the Red Sea coast, is underway in this region. All these facts raise serious concerns about future migrations of eagles and their wintering grounds.

The third stage of the expedition completed our research on the wintering grounds of birds of prey in Saudi Arabia. The data obtained confirm that the eastern part of the country plays a crucial role in maintaining the population of many rare species of eagles and preserving the biodiversity of the region.

We thank everyone who supported us throughout the expedition, and we look forward to sharing the results of our observations and conclusions. Follow our news!

This expedition is organized of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) program “New Partnership for the Conservation of Birds of Prey in Eastern Europe”, funded by NABU International and VGP funds.