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Let's shape ecological behavior

It is known that birds of prey are objects of worship among different nations, including Armenians, as evidenced, for example, by the presence of an eagle on the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia.

There are many legends, myths and rituals associated with them. This attitude is due to the excellent hunting skills, intelligence, strength, grandeur and majesty of these birds.

However, we often encounter unconscious or conscious violence when people, out of "love" for birds, enter their nests, take the chicks and keep them at home. In some cases, the abandoned bird is released into the wild after some time, sometimes birds can be kept in captivity until old age, and in rarer cases they become the object of ridicule. However, there are also frequent cases when people are guided by their own financial interests. In this case, the chicks of birds are removed from the nests and then sold at various sites in the Republic of Armenia and abroad.

All the described cases have a negative impact on the population of the species and cause enormous stress on nesting pairs. Birds of prey are one of the most important links in ecosystems and the food chain, and their conservation is extremely important. They are also our national treasure, and every person should and can become a part of their conservation by not allowing other people to disturb their natural nesting process.

Everyone can help us implement more effective nature conservation activities.

The Armenian branch of the German Union for Nature Conservation (NABU) has been cooperating with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia in the field of studying and preserving birds of prey for many years.

We remind you that most species of birds of prey are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia.