Khosrov Forest State Reserve is located on the historical territory of Khosrov Forest. The reserve was originally a hunting ground founded by the Armenian king Khosrov II Kotak in the 4th century. Later, on 13.09.1958, it was formed as Khosrov Reserve.
The area is 23 213.5 ha.
It is located on the southern slopes of Geghama Mountain Shield, near-Araksian Urts and Yeranos mountain ranges, Azat and Vedi river basins, at an altitude of 800-2800m above sea level in the Ararat Region of the Republic of Armenia.
The reserve preserves juniper and oak forests from the Tertiary era, arid symbiosis of semi-desert and phrygan landscapes and other Mediterranean relict vegetation ecosystems, as well as the gene pool of rare animals and plants adapted to these environments. 1849 species of higher plants and 283 species of vertebrate animals are found in the territory of the reserve.