
Eco-educational Courses - "Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle"

As part of the "Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle" campaign, we continue to launch eco-educational courses on golden eagle in schools in Armenia.

Last week, we conducted courses at... more

Eco-educational Courses - "Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle"

Within the framework of the "Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle" campaign, eco-educational courses on golden eagle have been launched in Armenian schools.

Last week we had meetings at... more

Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle

Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
Order: Accipitriformes (Falconiformes)
Family: Accipitridae

The golden eagle is the bird of the... more

Contest of Ideas for Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Use of Resources in Syunik Region

Within the framework of the project "community-based nature conservation and adaptation to climate change in Syunik region (CNCA)", a grant contest was announced under the title "Contest of ideas... more

Summing Up the Results of the "Clean Community" Initiative

On December 13, the final event of the "Clean Community" Initiative took place in the village  Apaga, Armavir region. The project was implemented within the framework of the project "Protection of... more

Training on "New Opportunities and Development Prospects for Beneficiaries of the Rural Tourism Development Program"

The "Rural Tourism Development Program" was launched in 2018, and since this year, as a result of the joint work of the Armenian branch of the German Nature Protection Union (NABU) and the ACBA... more

Golden Eagle – Bird of the Year 2023

The voting for the “Bird of the Year 2023” lasted from November 3 to December 16 on two platforms - websites and . In total we received 9325 votes․ Recall that... more

Eco-educational Course - White Stork

Courses on storks conducted as part of the educational campaign "Bird of the Year 2022 - White Stork" have ended.

During 2022, our team conducted 48 lessons in 45 educational institutions... more

Formation of a Volunteer Group in Djrarat

Within the framework of the project "Protection of Wetlands in the Araks Valley with Community Involvement", a volunteer group was formed in the village of Jrarat, Armavir region (Araks community... more

"Clean Community" Initiative

The winners of the grant competition "Conservation and sustainable use of wetlands", announced within the framework of the program ""Protection of Wetlands in the Araks Valley... more