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/ Content / Bird of the Year 2024

Bird of the Year 2024

Voting for Bird of the Year 2024 has started.

We are already starting the voting for the Bird of the Year 2024, for which we need your suggestions.

In the comments of the respective post on Facebook or Instagram, please indicate the bird species that you think should be candidates for Bird of the Year 2024.

Note that the bird of the year

  • should be charismatic and show an interest in conservation,
  • not necessarily listed in the Red Book, it is important to give these species more attention.

The purpose of the annual educational campaign "Bird of the Year" is to choose a bird species that symbolizes the year and draw the attention of the general public to the importance of not only the conservation of this species and its habitat, but also the protection of all nature.

As a reminder.

  • the bird of 2021 was egyptian vulture.
  • 2022 was white stork.
  • this year's bird of the year is the golden eagle.

In the appendix we present the list of bird species included in the Red Book of Armenia, as well as the corresponding book on birds of Armenia, which you can read and suggest your preferred variant.

You can submit proposals till 30.09.2023.

The 5 versions with the most likes and comments will be selected and voted among the proposed versions.

The authors of the 5 best versions will receive incentive gifts from us.