Lusine Aghajanyan, Head of the Biodiversity Conservation Program of the Armenian branch of the German Union for Nature Conservation (NABU), took part in the international seminar Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024 & Life GypRescue on November 7-10 in Corsica and delivered a speech dedicated to the study and conservation of the bearded Vulture in Armenia.
This international meeting, organized with the aim of protecting the bearded vulture for decades, brings together experts, researchers and environmentalists who present their research and try to contribute to the restoration of the bearded Vulture population in Europe. In parallel with the International Bearded Vulture Meeting 2024, a LIFE GypRescue Seminar was also held, and on the last day of the meeting, participants visited the field.
The branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia attaches importance to such international meetings and, by participating in them, shares research and experience.