
Applications for Eco Club membership are Now Open

Applications to join the environmental club within the project "Clean Future: Environmental Protection and Plastic Waste" are starting to be accepted.

The club will include:

Birdwatching in Khosrov Forest State Reserve

The Birdwatching to Khosrov Forest State Reserve took place.

First, the participants of the birdwatching visited Khosrov nature museum, got acquainted with the history of Khosrov Forest... more

Study of Nesting Sites of Birds of Prey

We continue to study nesting sites for birds of prey.

The target species we are studying are:

  • golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)
  • egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus... more

Study of the Golden Eagle Nesting Sites

As part of the campaign “Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle”, our specialists conducted field work to identify and map golden eagle nesting sites.

Recent surveys show that golden eagle... more

White Stork Counting Results 2023

This year, the branch of the German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia also conducted white stork counting in the Ararat Valley (Ararat and Armavir regions).

... more

Study of Nesting Sites of Birds of Prey

We continue to study nesting sites for birds of prey.

The target species we are studying are:

  • golden eagle (Aquila... more

The Young Bearded Vulture is Practicing Its Flying

This year, the young bearded vulture tagged with a satellite sensor is practicing its flight and maneuvering under the supervision of its parents.

The... more

Biodiversity Study of “Dilijan” National Park

The branch of the German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia in the framework of cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia... more

Study of Birds of Prey in the Vayots Dzor Region

Our specialists visited the Vayots Dzor region to study nesting sites of golden eagles and vultures.

In the course of the work, nests of other species of birds of prey were also noted.... more

White Stork Rescue Operations

We were approached by Tigran Matevosyan, a resident of the village of Armash, who reported that one of the stork's legs was wrapped with a bale string.

Thanks to a quick reaction, our... more