Within the framework of the "Clean shore, clean spring" campaign, NABU-Armenia continues to support interested organizations, youth groups and initiatives to clean-up rivers, lakes and other water areas in Armenia.
We have had three clean-up events in August 2018upon the initiative of various organizations and youth groups.
On August 13, by the initiative of the “ATP” (Armenian Tree Project) and with the support of NABU-Armenia, a group of volunteers headed to Marmarashen village to clean the shores of the local polluted reservoir.
The next group of volunteers included members of the "Environmental Initiative" of the Berd Community Cultural Center in Tavush Region. Upon their suggestion and their efforts, on August 20, the shores of the Hakhum River and surrounding areas were cleaned from garbage. The purpose of this initiative was to point out environmental and, particularly, water pollution issues in their community.
The clean-up events held in August within the framework of the “Clean shore, clean spring” campaign were concluded in the Movses community of Tavush region. Upon the initiative of Father Abel Kartashyan, the youth of Movses village carried out cleaning activities of River Movses and Khrami Dzor canyon. Due to extreme pollution of the chosen territories the works required two days, August 17 and 18, for the volunteers to complete them and to return the area its original beauty.