On September 28, the first inter-regional environmental festival “Eco-Caucasus 2019” was held in Maykop district of the Republic of Adygea where NABU Armenia team also took a part. The aim of the festival was to increase the level of knowledge and awareness of people in the field of ecology and tourism in the Caucasus region.
The main topics of the festival were:
- tourism (cognitive, sports, outdoor recreation, hotel and restaurant services);
- health (medical facilities, spa centers, fitness centers, yoga centers);
- education (Universities, colleges, schools, kindergartens);
- science and innovation (scientific publications, manuals, research methods, experimental and laboratory equipment);
- environmental and nature protection (public organizations, government agencies, garbage collection and recycling organizations, energy, volunteering, nature reserves and national parks).
About 83 organizations of not only local, but also neighboring regions and foreign countries took part in the festival. There were also guests from Krasnodar, Karachi-Cherkessia, the Kabardino-Balkan Republic, Stavropol, Rostov, Abkhazia and Germany.
The Branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) also presented all the projects implemented in Armenia, answering all questions of people.
During the festival, participating individuals and organizations had the opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of environmental, eco-educational, tourism and many other projects, which ensured the successful implementation of the festival as an informative platform.