Within the framework of the "Bird of the Year" ecological awareness campaign, the branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia is recruiting Bird of the Year Ambassadors, during which trainings will be held on the following topics:
- bird of the year 2024 - white-tailed eagle,
- white stork: we and the environment,
- winged sanitarians of nature,
- birds of prey,
- protected areas,
- and other relevant topics.
After the training, the Ambassadors will conduct the above-mentioned courses on a voluntary basis in Yerevan and Region schools.
To apply can:
- teachers who, after the training, will regularly conduct the courses in their schools, as well as for students from other schools in the district,
- all those who have reached the age of majority and are ready to travel to different regions to conduct courses among pupils.
For the residents of Yerevan community and surrounding regions the courses will be held at 18 Isahakyan Street (Isahakyan Business Center, 2nd floor, room 2), and for the residents of remote regions the courses will be held online.
To apply, you need to fill in the application form.