Birds of prey were studied in the north of Armenia during an international expedition.
The branch of the German Nature Conservation Union (NABU) in Armenia completed a 10-day research expedition in Lori and Tavush regions and studied the nesting sites of birds of prey within the framework of the complex study of birds of prey in Armenia on April 18.
In addition to scientists from Armenia, four scientists from Bulgaria, two from Russia and two from the Czech Republic participated in the expedition.
The three groups of scientists identified 60 nesting sites of:
- Egyptian vulture,
- Eurasian griffon vulture,
- Bearded vulture,
- Lesser spotted eagle,
- Golden eagle,
- Long-legged buzzard,
- Common buzzard,
- Peregrine falcon and other bird species, of which 13 (including migratory birds) are included in the Red Book of Armenia and 12 (including migratory birds) in the international red list.
We will write about the most interesting and important discoveries of the expedition very soon.
We thank our partner organizations:
- Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB)
- Russian Bird Conservation Union (RBCU).
- Czech Society for Ornithology (CSO)
- Russian Center for Nature Conservation “Caucasus”
NABU branch in Armenia will continue its comprehensive work on the study and protection of birds of prey in other areas as well, carrying out ringing, GPS tagging of birds and nesting monitoring.
Such a long-term complex study of all large birds of prey is being carried out in Armenia for the first time.
We would like to thank the Ministry of Environment for its support and encouragement in preparing this work and Ambassadors of NABU branch in Armenia for their assistance during the expedition.
The activities are implemented within the framework of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) program “New Partnership for the Conservation of Birds of Prey in Eastern Europe”, funded by NABU International and VGP funds