On January 16, employees of NABU Germany and the NABU branch in Armenia began a 10-day expedition to Saudi Arabia to study the wintering habitats of eagles.
The expedition consists of three phases:
Phase 1: Near Riyadh, starting with a visit to Huraymila National Park.
Phase 2: In the northern region near Ha’il.
Phase 3: In the western region near Jeddah.
Yesterday, according to the schedule, the team visited the Imam Abdulaziz bin Muhammad Royal Reserve, where they observed four individual steppe eagles in different locations.
The expedition promises to be full of discoveries. Today, the team plans to visit an area where signals are being received from a black vulture tagged in Armenia.
This expedition is organized of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) program “New Partnership for the Conservation of Birds of Prey in Eastern Europe”, funded by NABU International and VGP funds.