Since 1994, every 10 years the German Nature Protection Union (NABU) has coordinated the international white stork census.
The counting of nesting pairs makes it possible to estimate the global population of a particular bird species and to gather important information on the development of the latest population.
In this way, it is possible to determine at an early stage in which regions the white stork feels at home and where more serious protection is required.
Counting is carried out on the basis of certain scientific criteria. The counts distinguish:
- the number of all pairs occupying a single nest,
- the number of nesting pairs with migrating chicks,
- the number of nesting pairs with no chicks,
- number of nesting pairs with no information on chicks,
- total number of migrating chicks.
THE BRANCH OF GERMAN NATURE PROTECTION UNION (NABU) IN THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA launched a program for the study and conservation of white storks in 2020 in connection with the problem of contamination of white storks. Within the framework of the works, the bird species in Ararat valley (Armavir and Ararat regions) was counted, the level and area of contamination was identified, as well as ringing, sampling and installation of satellite sensors.
Joining the international census, the organization is committed to carry out the white stork counting in the whole territory of Armenia this year.
Along with the census, the research works mentioned above will also be carried out to identify the causes of storks' contamination, study their migration and reasons for their decline.
Let us remind that according to the results of the census of 2023 the area of contamination has increased by 59% in comparison with the previous year.
Information source: nabu.de and nabu.am.