The branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia has been cooperating with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia since 2001. In 2010 the office of the organization was officially opened. Since then we have been implementing programs aimed at the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and the environment in Armenia. Read more about the organization's activities.
The key point of the potential of the NABU branch in Armenia is voluntary participation and support to environmental programs.
Volunteers of the organization, being involved in existing programs, support their implementation, contributing to the dissemination of environmental activities.
They can participate in bird counts, in the organizational works of the conducted events, as well as in the implementation of eco educational activities.
So, if you love nature, want to make new friends, new skills and contribute to the development of steps FOR PEOPLE AND NATURE, then fill in the application form and join the ecological activities of NABU branch in Armenia by registering as a volunteer.
*Application can be submitted by persons over 16 years of age.