2020 is declared the “World Year of Cranes.” The Branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia participates in international activities to study, conserve cranes and their habitats and begins a campaign in Armenia called “2020- Cranes Year”.
There are 15 species of cranes in the world, of which 2 species are found in Armenia. In autumn and spring, migratory flocks of Common cranes and Demoiselle cranes can be observed. In addition to that, in Armenia breeds 1-2 pairs of the Common Crane subspecies, which was first described in Armenia- the Transcaucasian Common Crane (Grus grus archibaldi).
The cranes are one of the most beloved birds by the Armenianans and one of the symbols of the country. Low awareness of people about the importance of preserving habitats and species can lead to the disappearance of nesting cranes from the country and a decrease in the number of migratory groups. Therefore, the goal of the campaign is environmental education and awareness rising of locals about the cranes of the world and Armenia, as part of it.
Within the framework of the “Cranes year”, eco-educational and environmental awareness-raising events will be helding in Armenia. Eco-educational seminars, field excursions and open public seminars on the topic of “Cranes and Armenia” are planned for schoolchildren and for the publice, as well as competitions and research projects aimed at studying and preserving Cranes and their habitat in Armenia.
In addition, during the summer competitions will be announced for various nominations in three age groups and without professional restrictions. At the end of the September, a festival-exhibition will be organized, where the works of participants of the contests and paintings by professional artists will be demonstrated.
Moreover, in the fall of 2020, the V International Scientific Conference "Cranes of the Palearctic (biology, conservation, management)" will be held in Armenia. The conference scheduled for September 28 to October 3, 2020.
Due to the situation in the country and in the world (various restrictions) caused by the Corona virus, before the end of the Emergency, the campaign will be moved to online platforms. Open online seminars on the topic “Cranes and Armenia” will be organized. The events will be announced on the organization’s social networks.