This year, 2022, the Armenian branch of the Union for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity (NABU) announces the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) as the bird of the year.
The choice is purposeful, given the 6-year-old problem of pollution of white storks in the Ararat Valley.
The Bird of the Year campaign aims to raise awareness among the general public about the species selected for that year.
In 2022, the Armenian branch of the German Society for the Conservation of Nature (NABU) plans to implement a series of measures to raise awareness about white storks,
raising awareness of the problem of their pollution in the Ararat Valley and fostering a responsible attitude towards nature.
During the year we:
- Will regularly tell you about white storks on our social pages, mentioning their ecology, lifestyle features, pollution problems, etc.
- Will conduct trainings, birdwatching, competitions in regional schools for everyone.
- Will announce a photo contest "White stork will remain white" in 3 nominations
- Will continue our annual stork infestation research,
- Have already shared with you online cameras installed on the nests of 2 families of storks,
- Will continue our research on their flights and will share the information with you,
- Will organize a festival, within which the results of the photo contest will be shown, the winners will be announced.
- Will shoot small informative videos about white storks,
- Will transfer at least 5 problematic nests to a more safe space, or improve the conditions,
We have already created and will soon share with you the white stork booklet and an online platform for registering stork nests, through which everyone can register a stork nest near their home,
information about their family, becoming part of the ecology community.
A lot more will follow.
Join us, join our work, together we will save the White Storks - their habitats for people and nature.