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Bird of the Year 2025

In Germany, the voting phase of the annual eco educational campaign ‘Bird of the Year’ has already started (candidates at. link). And Armenia?

Yes, on 6 September it will be started in Armenia as well, in the following order:

  • At the first stage, participants can nominate a bird species on the website of the NABU branch in Armenia using a special template. The list of nominations includes all birds nesting in Armenia that have not been recognized as ‘Bird of the Year’ in the last 10 years: people who are the first to nominate a given bird species will receive a special gift from the organization. Each participant can nominate only one bird species.
  • In the second stage, a public vote is held among all nominated birds. The 5 birds with the most votes will go through to the next round.
  • In the third round, voting continues among these 5 bird species and the winner will be announced at the end of November.

So, are you waiting for the voting to start?