We have started white storks ringing in the Ararat valley. Ringing is implemented within the framework of the project “Conservation of wetlands in Arax valley at the community level”, but is not limited to the project area. The project is implemented with the financial support of “Michael Otto” foundation.
Ringing will provide an opportunity to supplement our knowledge of the local movement and migration of these species. During ringing, feathers of contaminated birds are also selected for further laboratory testing.
We would like to note that the count of white storks is also ongoing. During the survey, data are collected on the number of storks, the location of the nests, and the prevalence of contaminated storks.
Identifying the problem of contamination of white storks is one of the key tasks of the NABU branch in Armenia.
By combining the results of research and analysis carried out over two years, we hope to come to a solution of the problem.
We are grateful to the RA Ministry of Environment for their support.