Today, on April 26, 2019, in the yard of the school of Teghut village of Tavush region, there were planting activities.
Together with the joint efforts of the Teghut School Director, attentive and active teaching staff, of course, with highly motivated children and with NABU’s support the school yard was decorated with ornamental trees and shrubs, such as Thuya, Juniper, Redbuds, Paulownia, Forsythia and many other species. With the help of children, the trees were planted, and everyday they will take care of their garden by themselves.
Before the planting trees, we discussed with children the global issues of the Earth, such as logging and deforestation, global warming, global pollution with plastic, waste management problems, as well as the role of each of us in environmental problems.
We are faithful to our motto – For People and Nature.