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Eco-educational Course - White Stork

Courses on storks conducted as part of the educational campaign "Bird of the Year 2022 - White Stork" have ended.

During 2022, our team conducted 48 lessons in 45 educational institutions of Shirak, Lori, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Gegharkunik, Armavir, Ararat, Vayots Dzor regions and Yerevan, in which more than 1300 students took part. We express our gratitude to the staff and students of the schools for the warm welcome and active participation. We hope that our courses will help the new generation to be more caring and responsible towards the environment.

Last week we held the last lessons at Jarbi Secondary School, Amberd Secondary School, Secondary School No. 23 in Gyumri. In these schools, we also held active discussions with students about threats to birds and measures for their conservation.

Next year, our organization will continue eco-education courses on the topic of birds in 2023. We encourage you to continue to follow our page and actively participate in the following courses.