/ Content / Visit to Armenia Has Come to an End

Visit to Armenia Has Come to an End

The visit of bloggers and journalists from different countries of the world to Armenia has come to an end.

During these days our guests got acquainted with:

  • Armenian culture, traditions and richness of rural settlements,
  • the activities of the NABU branch in Armenia,
  • the process of setting up camera traps and its importance,
  • as well as participated in the birdwatching organized by us.

During the visit the guests had an opportunity to stay in the guest houses of our beneficiaries of the programme "Development of Rural Tourism", namely to:

  • taste Armenian wine in Berkri guest house and participate in the process of making bread, inseparable from Armenian cuisine,
  • watch the work of mills at Tatoyan's Mill, make traditional Armenian gata,
  • taste wine and enjoy Armenian music at the Aghavnatun Guest House,
  • participate in master classes of Armenian dishes at Tsaghkunk Guest House,
  • observe the animals listed in the RA Red Book at Arevi Guest House, participate in a lavash cooking master class,
  • taste and participate in the process of making "Darman" tea, a beneficiary of the "Development of Organic Agriculture" programme.

The works were carried out within the framework of the "Creative Mountains" programme, which is implemented by the branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia in cooperation with Machaon International and funded by the European Union.


Text: Narek Grigoryan, Ani Avanesyan

Photo: Yakub Antypenko

Posted on September, 14, 2023

 Co-funded by the European Union.

This article was created with the financial support of the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.