When are we doing the counting?
It's time to find out when and how we finally count white storks.
The organization counts in June, so to speak, until the chicks are 8 weeks old.
It is during this period that the most exact counting can be done, as the chicks are big enough that we can notice them in the nests and count them, and at the same time not so big that they can fly out of the nest and be left out of the count.
Of course, chicks that have made their first flight later on usually do not fly far away and return to the nest, but the probability of an error at the time of counting is not small.
As for how the process of counting itself is realized, we will present it in the near future.
Let us remind that the branch of the German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia has been implementing the program "White Stork Research and Conservation" since 2020, counting white storks in the area of their contamination; in Ararat and Armavir regions.
This year, joining the international census conducted by NABU, the Union's branch in Armenia conducted a census throughout ALL of Armenia. The results will be available soon.