/ Content / White Stork Census Has Been Completed

White Stork Census Has Been Completed

As we have mentioned in previous publications, the branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia, joining the White Storks International Census, undertook to conduct the census throughout the territory of Armenia.

They are already in the past, and we will share the results later.

Let us remind you that parallel to the censuses, works aimed at studying the contamination problem were also carried out, in particular, ringing, installation of satellite sensors and sampling works.

Dear followers, the organization ringed about 300 white storks, which means that if you notice rings on the right leg of the last one, you can photograph them and send them to us.

The works were carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia and the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia.