On September 13, Armenia celebrates the Day of Specially Protected Natural Areas.
Armenia's specially protected natural territories include:
- 4 national parks: "Sevan", "Dilijan", "Lake Arpi" and "Arevik",
- 3 state reserves: "Khosrov Forest", "Shikaogh" and "Erebuni",
- 232 natural monuments and 27 state reserves.
SPNAs ensure the diversity of life, preserving species and their habitats, valuable ecosystems, without which the sustainable socio-economic development of mankind is impossible.
It should be noted that on the occasion of this day during the week the branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia held a course on "Specially Protected Areas of Nature" within the framework of "Clean Future" programme.
We would also like to remind that currently the NABU branch in Armenia is conducting research on the biodiversity of the park, in particular ichthyology and botany, within the framework of cooperation with "Dilijan" National Park and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia.