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/ Content / Shikahogh State Reserve

Shikahogh State Reserve

Shikahokh Reserve was established on September 13, 1958.

The area is 12371․1 ha.

It is located in the southeastern part of the republic, in the Kapan region. The rural communities of Shikahokh, Tsav (Shishkert), Nerkin Khand border the reserve. It borders Arevik National Park from the south with the watershed of the Meghri mountain range and the Bagatsar and Khustup mountain ranges from the northwest.

Protected objects: protection of oak-bohutin forests and the coexistence of plants and animals characteristic of them, Taxus and Platanus groves, Caucasian leopard, bezoar goat, brown bear, Caucasian black grouse, snowcocks, Armenian viper and other species.