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/ Content / Shikahogh State Reserve

Shikahogh State Reserve

Shikahogh State Reserve was established in 1958 on the basis of Kapan forestry to preserve, study the unique flora and fauna of large-scale forests located on the northern slopes of the Meghri mountain range. In 1963, it was converted into the Bartas Reserve and restored as a reserve only in 1975. The main objects of preservation are broad-leaved (oak, hornbeam) forests, unique plant communities, their flora and fauna.

The reserve is located in the southern part of Armenia, in the Kapan region of Syunik region, occupies 29505,845 hectares, including the reserve and the area of ​​"Sosu Park" reserve 12137.075 ha and the area of ​​"Zangezur" reserve 17368.77 ha. The reserve consists of Shikahogh and Mtnadzor precincts. Until 2006, its area was smaller, 10,330 hectares.

Shikahogh occupies the basins of Tsav and Shikahogh rivers on the northern slopes of the Meghri mountain range and includes the Shakhbuz (2372 m), Gyumarants (2366 m), Mazra (2198 m) and Bartas (2186 m) mountain peaks. The reserve is bordered by Shikahogh, Srashen, Tsav, Shishkert and Nerkin Hand villages.

The borders of the reserve pass through the watershed of the Meghri mountain range in the south, and from the rest of the borders of the community lands of the above-mentioned villages.

The flora is rich in Caucasian moisturizing plants, thermophilic shrubs and herbs. There are many endemic species. About 94% of the area is forested. Oriental beech and oriental pine are widespread there. There are also wild fruit trees: pear, oriental apple, Greek walnut and others.

In the area of ​​the reserve, reptiles are known as Viper, water and common grass snake, sheltopusik.  Caspian snowcock, Tawny eagle, Griffon vulture are common among the birds, mammals such as the Gray wolf, Gray rabbit, the crossbow hedgehog, and sometimes Bezoar goat and Leopard. Many of the animals are registered in the RA Red Book.