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/ News


"Green Week" Annual Fair

The annual fair "Green Week" (Grüne Woche) has started, in which the beneficiaries of our program "Organic Agriculture Development" take part:

  • "Darman" organic herbal tea
  • "... more

Study the Contemporary Species Composition of Birds in Dilijan National Park

The team of the branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia, has initiated research to study the contemporary species composition of birds inhabiting the territory... more

The Eco Club Lessons Have Ended

The courses of the Eco club have ended, which means it's time to summarize the results.

The most active participants of the club gathered today.

  • to receive certificates of... more

Roundtable Discussion - Bird of the Year 2024

On December 18, the NABU branch in Armenia invited representatives from both governmental and non-governmental institutions working in the field to a roundtable discussion on the theme "Bird of... more

Open Lesson "Hazardous Waste: the Situation in Armenia and Worldwide"

Dear participants, we present to you the final topic of the eco-club for this year: "Hazardous Waste: the Situation in Armenia and Worldwide."

We invite you to join us on Wednesday,... more

White Stork Winter Counting

Winter has arrived, and that means the counting of white storks has begun.

Research allows for the description of the population of wintering bird species and the wintering area.

The... more

Open Lesson "Metal Mines and Eco-Activism"

The next topic of the ecoclub is "Metal Mines and Eco-Activism."

The key points of the theme include:

  • Metal mines in Armenia,
  • Environmental issues of mines and... more

Clean-up work on the Shore of Lake Sevan

Yesterday, within the framework of the "Clean Future" program, volunteers of NABU Armenia branch conducted garbage collection on the shore of Lake Sevan, during which they found:

The Eastern Imperial Eagle Arrived in Armenia

Born in 2023 in the Kamo-Ustininsky region of Tatarstan, a young Eastern imperial eagle named Saltik chooses a completely different migration path than his family, and as a result he also appears... more

Join Us in Cooperation

The White-tailed Eagle is the bird of 2024. It:

  • is registered in the Red Book of RA as an endangered species,
  • the White-tailed Eagle used to nest in Armenia in the past, but... more