The branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia starts active work aimed at the problem of bird collision on power lines.
For this purpose, a round table was held on the initiative of the organization, which was attended by representatives of state and non-state institutions, in particular representatives from:
- Ministry of Environment of RA,
- Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of RA,
- Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of RA,
- "Electric Networks of Armenia" CJSC,
- "Volios Institute of Civil Engineering" CJSC,
- Birdlinks-a,
- Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets,
- Armenian Society for the Protection of Birds,
- Foundation for the Protection of Endemic and Endangered Species,
- AUA Acopian Center.
The meeting was also attended by Bulgarian, Czech and Russian partners, who shared their experience in solving the above-mentioned problem in their countries.
Active discussions followed: the participants agreed that the problem of electrocution of birds is important from the point of view of bird protection and biodiversity protection in general, and they are ready to join the initiative of the NABU branch in Armenia on bird electrocution prevention and support the work of the NABU branch in Armenia on this issue.
You can download the materials presented at the meeting from the following link.